真源书房 - Collins French Dictionary 柯林斯法语字典
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Collins French Dictionary 柯林斯法语字典 电子书 mobi pdf txt word 2024 下载

Collins French Dictionary 柯林斯法语字典精美图片

Collins French Dictionary 柯林斯法语字典书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780007232635
  • 作者:Sara Shalom 
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2009-03
  • 页数:436
  • 价格:25.50
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:大32开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
  • 豆瓣短评:点击查看
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  • 豆瓣目录:点击查看
  • 读书笔记:点击查看
  • 原文摘录:点击查看
  • 更新时间:2025-01-05 15:13:01


Have confidence find all the words and phrases you need.

Get it right up-to-date coverage of French and English.

Get There fast clear user friendly layout.

Go further extra help with key vocabulary.






cork kiss chord

gag guess

so rice kiss

cousin buzz

sheep sugar

pleasure beige


judge general

farm raffle

very revel

thin maths

that other

little ball

rat rare

mummy comb

no ran

singing bank

hat rehearse


wall wail












Book Description

This is a new addition to the acclaimed "Collins French Dictionary" range. With its extensive coverage of French language in a compact, affordable format, the "Collins French Dictionary" is an indispensable dictionary for learners of French. Fully up-to-date, with over 35,000 references and 70,000 translations, it includes all the most recent additions to the language. With clear and attractive layout and typography, featuring special entries relating to interesting aspects of French life and culture, notes warning the user of easily confusable words, the "Collins French Dictionary" is compact, reliable and completely up-to-date: the ideal small dictionary for school and general use.


  • 作者: 小寒-_,-以人为本 一本万利 发布时间:2010-01-16 09:20:26

    读了三遍 最后的感慨是 终于再也不用读这本书了!!!

  • 作者: ロウワー 发布时间:2024-01-26 00:50:34


  • 作者: 辄馨 发布时间:2012-03-22 09:48:32


  • 作者: aprilg 发布时间:2009-01-18 23:11:15

    very useful!

  • 作者: 在路上 发布时间:2020-10-10 18:21:24


  • 作者: Figo 发布时间:2021-11-20 21:46:50



  • 《麦肯锡工作法》阅读笔记

    作者:liuyunclouder 发布时间:2015-12-24 15:55:13


    #### 麦式工作法包括哪些内容?







    #### 麦式工作态度是怎么样的工作态度?









    #### 麦式思考方式是怎么样的思考方式?




    #### 麦式问题解决技巧是怎么样的技巧?






    #### 麦式专业作风是什么样的?


    #### 麦肯锡式解决问题的基本步骤?









            找出问题的本质和原因 + 提出应对已有情况的对策并执行 + 提出预防对策并执行



    ##### 麦肯锡式分析框架包括哪些?分别适用于什么场景?


            3C(customer competitor company):便于了解竞争对手和客户的情况,知己知彼(例子:企业发展)




    #### 麦肯锡式处理信息的技巧?





    #### 麦肯锡式提高解决问题能力的思考术?








            把意愿转化为简单明了的一句话疑问,从疑问出发(== 问题驱动)





    ##### 如何提出高质量问题






    #### 麦肯锡式提高自身能力的方法?








    #### 麦肯锡式创造成果的能力?












    #### 麦肯锡式演示的技巧?







  • Graduate Student Book Report: Sigmund Freud as "mind detective"

    作者:Leogursky 发布时间:2012-10-29 07:31:37

    In my oral report on JREM456 class, I mentioned three major reasons that I recommend Freud’s “Dora: An Analysis of a Case of Hysteria” as a book for science writing class: its resemblance as detective fiction, classic Freudian interpretation of dreams and a great comparison with Jon Franklin’s “Not Quite a Miracle.” In this written book report, I’d like to deep more into its detective fiction style and its comparison with “Not Quite a Miracle.”

    No matter in Conan Doyle’s “Stories of Sherlock Holmes” or Agatha Christie’s “The Murder of Roger Ackroyd,” classic detection novel has its patterns. First, though Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot have different characters and tempers, both of them are involved in mysterious cases with seemingly no clues to follow. However, with the help of their “analyzing skills,” they reconstruct the crime scenes and sequence of the crime events little by little. Interestingly, no matter how crimes change from case to case, Holmes and Poirot’s analysis tools remain the same: marvelous imagination power for perceiving the unthinkable, acute observation for small but decisive evidences and rigorous logic to piece together all clues together and make sense out of them.

    In comparison, Freud uses the same “analysis tools” in his treatment for Dora’s hysteria. His pioneering view that physical illness can be caused by “unfulfilled, repressed will deep down in the unconscious” is beyond the thought of other physicians and shed new light on the treatment of hysteria. During his dream interpretation session for Dora, he watched closely for every word Dora used and every detail in Dora’s dream (“Now, I should like you to pay close attention to the exact word you used. We may have to make use of them.”) Finally, he uses his logic power to put all clues collected from Dora’s dream into a big picture that both in consistency with Dora’s hysteria symptom and in agreement with every principles of his psychoanalysis theory. There is only one difference in this whole analyzing and thinking process: Almost all the clues and evidences are based on the narratives from Dora. On one hand, since the Dora’s mental illness arises from her unconsciousness, there is no “tangible” object to trace. Her narratives are the best and the only clues to make use of. On the other hand, mind is sophisticated. Every word in the narratives needs careful judgment because everyone lies consciously or even unconsciously. Narratives are not as trustworthy as fingerprints or blood stain; they are much more difficult to make use of.

    Nevertheless, other than analyzing tools, Freud’s detective case is different. One example I mentioned during the oral report is that the case is not solved in the end as cases in classic detective novels; Dora broke off the treatment before Freud had been able to reveal all the reasons behind her symptoms and completely cure her. In other word, the “culprit” is still at large. I didn’t mention another interesting difference: There is more than one psychology detective in the case history. Though Freud doesn’t state it explicitly, I have the subtle feeling that Dora, the patient, is the second detective. There is good reason and evidence for this: First, as the victim of hysteria, Dora, in her conscious mind, is eager to find the “culprit” that cause of her illness. Second, in the interpretation of first dream, Freud told the reader that “Dora had already had some training in dream interpretation from having previously analyzed a few minor specimens.” This indicates that Dora is capable of analyzing her mental illness despite that she may not be as experienced as Freud.

    Well, at this point you may argue that having two detectives is not really a surprise. While Watson helps Sherlock Holms, he learns detective skills from Holmes as well. However, this argument is only half-right: In analogy, Dora is indeed a junior detective trained by Freud and also eager to find out the culprit, but she seldom helps Freud in the psychoanalysis. In fact, the whole case history is like the rival between the Freud Dora: While Freud disclosed her repressed love for Herr K. and Frau K., Dora often struggled to use her insights to dispute Freud. She was tortured by hysteria, but she was even more destroyed by her repressed wishes that Freud revealed to her. The treatment is a much more agony. If she has to choose between Freud’s treatment and the torture from hysteria, she would rather choose hysteria.

    In this aspect, Dora is like the patients suffered by both pain physically and loneliness psychologically in Jon Franklin’s “Not Quite a Miracle.” As described in Chapter Ten of this book, “Dr. Long couldn’t cure those patients because they wouldn’t let them. They didn’t dare. They needed the pain. Pain is terrible. Only one thing is worse: loneliness.” Perhaps Freud would be the one that Dr. Long would be so excited to work with to treat those lonely patients? After reading the case history, it occurs to me that when we look at the surgical marvels accomplished by neurosurgeons, it might be a good idea to shift some of our focus to the field of psychology and give some credits to “mind detectives.”


  • 故事情节:9分

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  • 事实准确性:8分

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