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9787568002059 mobi 书籍 免费 网盘下载地址

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  • 更新时间:2024-05-31 00:01:04




















  • 作者: 北岛音 发布时间:2022-05-02 17:08:48

    居然没标这本 看这本纯属浪费时间

  • 作者: 发布时间:2022-08-31 16:40:58

    断断续续长达半年也算翻完了 阅来甚是享受 措辞受益匪浅 行文很细腻 娓娓道来。如果能有贤人将之绘声绘色 声情并茂地朗读出来 定是酣畅淋漓的语言文字盛宴。

  • 作者: 猫头鹰森林 发布时间:2021-06-23 01:39:49


  • 作者: 雁字回时 发布时间:2017-06-20 12:29:19


  • 作者: 燕子 发布时间:2024-03-02 20:30:19


  • 作者: 睡不醒的倒子 发布时间:2010-10-30 12:44:40

    来来来 大家听孙先生讲故事


  • 读这本书,感觉就身在藏地

    作者:牧歌 发布时间:2013-06-04 13:59:02


  • 【《临床试验简史》书摘 & 中译英】开始的结束:临床试验工业革命(The End of Beginning: an Industrial Revolution of Clinical Trials 3.0)

    作者:南国椰风 发布时间:2022-05-22 18:15:48



    The operating mode of industrialized clinical trials is centered on research institutions, where trials are conducted and transferred. In the institutions, doctors recruit and manage subjects, while patients receive medical treatments and follow-ups. Carrying out multi-center clinical trials in this mode involves coordination and management of various research institutions, with high costs and low efficiency. Both 1.0 and 2.0 version industrial revolution of clinical trials were still based on this mode. They were aided by professional organizations from refined division of social labor and products offered by modern information technology. As a result, the revolutions just improved efficiency and qualities of clinical trials, lowered related human resource and material costs. However, patients as subjects are de facto passive participants, a marginalized position in this fixed mode.


    With the increase of people's healthcare demands and booming of new medical technologies, clinical trials have gradually become opportunities meeting people's demands rather than threats. Therefore, people's focus on clinical trials has shifted from protecting subjects' rights and interests from infringement to reassuring unalienable chances to participate in such trials. Humans no longer accept playing the role of complete passive participants. Instead, they prefer to be the ones who initiate, design, organize and manage clinical trials. In this way, a patient-centered clinical trial mode began to emerge.


    First of all, "patient-centered" means continuous efforts facilitating patients to participate in clinical trials. With the development of mobile Internet technologies, a new trial mode has been formed. In this mode, pharmaceutical companies design and carry out trials with subjects directly without research institutions. Taking each subject as a unit, this new mode collects data directly from patients based on smartphone apps or wearables, being a breakthrough from inherent mode centered on research institutions. It brings great convenience to patients, improving their compliance. And this type of clinical trials, based on direct data collected from mobile device, can be a living case of real-world study (RWS) on big data.






    For example, Science37, a United States company, has designed a mobile App platform called NORA. Patients can join clinical trials simply by logging in NORA from their smartphones or tablets and communicate with investigating doctors. Science37 will deliver investigational drugs to the patients' homes, assigning doctors or nurses for necessary monitoring. At the same time, NORA collects and aggregates patient data into a virtual center for storage, analysis and processing uses.


    Moreover, "patient-centered" not only covers operating level innovations of collecting clinical trial data, but also conceptual changes on the designing level of clinical trials. For instance, efficiency indicators concerning life quality shall be included into trial evaluation endpoints, rather than mere efficacy indicators like survival periods required for registration. For this reason, it is necessary to include patients into the design team, with their concerns listened and addressed. Further, there are specific patients establishing non-government organizations like "rare disease patient organization", who actively seek, initiate and join clinical trials suitable for specific patient populations.


    Finally, "patient-centered" means a full transformation across every step of a clinical trial, including initiation, designs, informed consents, treatments, follow-ups and evaluation. It would achieve the objective of "enhancing subjects' active participation and self-management capabilities in clinical trials", reshaping clinical trials inside out, and push the overall development to a new era of "patient-centeredness".


    The ecosystem of industrialized clinical trials comprises clinical research organizations (CRO), site management organizations (SMO), and various trial-related products or services providers. In this ecosystem, traditional hierarchical organizations are the fundamental units, where most practitioners work inside and accumulate professional experience; they also frequently jump between the organizations to seek career developments. Anyway, their careers cannot be separated from organizations. However, with the mobilizations, big data, intelligence of clinical trial technologies, plus the ongoing "patient-centered" transformation, the organization model within clinical trial industry will evolve accordingly, showing a trend of "decentralization".


    Thanks to mobilized and intelligent clinical trial operations, practitioners may no longer rely on what organizations offered. They are capable of more remote working, which leads to changes of clinical trial working modes. Also clinical trials are less dependent on research institutions under the "patient-centered" concept. In this context, the professional outlook of clinical trials industry will change. Functions of clinical research associates (CRA) may develop upstream to the clinical trial process, integrating with data governance or project management. The profession of clinical research coordinators (CRC) close to the side of subjects may be the mainstream practitioner population. In particular, they would be facing the flood of real-world big data connecting all patients horizontally and vertically in the future.


    The more essential problem is, the era of mobile internet has led humans to a road of no return called "decentralization", which meets people's ultimate psychological demand of liberating humanity. In this way, organizational structures and industry ecosystems of clinical trials established during industrial time would face decomposition. The original hierarchical organizations form will change into platform structures. And practitioners, previously employed labors within organizations, would become entrepreneurs or freelancers on the platforms. The word "employment" may be history. Indeed, these changes rely on the whole industry to be further regulated and professionalized.

    总之,以大数据和智能化技术为中心,临床试验模式向“以患者为中心”转变,临床试验行业的组织“去中心化”、平台化,是临床试验工业革命 3.0 的特征。

    In conclusion, the focus on big data and intelligence technologies, the transformation towards "patient-centeredness", the decentralization and platform-evolving of clinical trial organizations, these are the symbols of industrial revolution of clinical trials 3.0.


    Everything is just beginning.

    第二次世界大战的阿拉曼战役是北非战场的转折点,以英国为首的盟军大胜。1942年11月10日,在伦敦市政厅里,在阿拉曼战役庆祝午宴上,英国首相丘吉尔发表了名为“The End of the Beginning”的著名演讲:"Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."

    During World War II, El Alamein Campaign was the turning point in the battle field of North Africa, a triumph to allied forces led by Britain. On the celebration luncheon of Nov. 10th, 1942, the United Kingdom prime minister Winston Churchill delivered his famous speech titled "The End of the Beginning" in London City Hall. "Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."


    "Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." It is also the end of this book.


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