真源书房 - Je ne trouve pas le sommeil - pdf 书籍 免费 网盘下载地址
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Je ne trouve pas le sommeil pdf 书籍 免费 网盘下载地址

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Je ne trouve pas le sommeil书籍详细信息
  • ISBN:9782081631199
  • 作者:Christine Féret 
  • 出版社:Pere Castor-Flammarion
  • 出版时间:2006-05
  • 页数:26
  • 价格:128.00
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 更新时间:2024-05-17 10:23:20


  Sujet : Devant la fatigue matinale de sa maman qui n'a pas pu

trouver le sommeil la nuit précédente, une petite fille décide

d'agir. La nuit venue, elle attend le sommeil pour le lui apporter.

Comme il tarde à venir, elle part à sa recherche dans toute la


Commentaire : Déclinant une palette de couleurs variées, les

illustrations presque féeriques évocatrices des rêves de la nuit

accompagnent un texte simple empreint de douceur. Difficile de ne

pas être touché par la gentillesse de cette petite fille qui prend

au pied de la lettre l'expression employée par sa maman. Album

tendresse, ?histoire c?lin ?, cet ouvrage illustre délicieusement

une touchante attention.














  C'est long, toute une nuit pour fouiller la maison à la

recherche du sommeil... Où a-t-il pu se cacher ?


  • 作者: INCUBUS 发布时间:2023-09-05 10:57:08


  • 作者: jiangling 发布时间:2012-09-23 20:02:16

    只是粗略地浏览了一遍。。。20个案例 主要是知识产权有关的反不正当竞争

  • 作者: 乐之 发布时间:2019-12-14 12:19:08


  • 作者: 黑烟的圈 发布时间:2020-06-22 23:09:31


  • 作者: 酷酷功仔 发布时间:2024-06-22 10:09:58


  • 作者: 连泉 发布时间:2022-11-09 07:36:23




  • [转载]The American Historical Review书评

    作者:小红帽 发布时间:2011-01-30 11:32:20

    Reviewed work(s): Fa‐ti Fan. British Naturalists in Qing China: Science, Empire, and Cultural Encounter. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 2004. Pp. xi, 238. $49.95.

    Robert Bickers

    University of Bristol

    The normalization of the history of China's encounter with overseas power during the Qing and Republican periods is steadily developing. Scholars in a range of fields have moved on from a reliance on narratives of imperialist assault and resistance to nuanced examinations of the dense pattern of cultural interactions that took place, and explorations of the transmission and the exchange of ideas and things among Chinese, Manchus, and their (uninvited) foreign guests. The context of such discussions remains bounded by imposed treaties (such as that of Nanking, 1842, for example), which were themselves occasioned more often than not by war or displays of military might, but no serious discussion is now tenable that fails to move beyond the gross ordinary facts of imperialism.

    In this book, Fa‐ti Fan brings to the literature on Sino‐Western interaction in the late Qing a richly textured and lively examination of the lives and works of British naturalists, both amateur and professional. These men were sent to China or worked there as consuls or customs officials, and in their spare time they engaged in research and debate on the natural history of China. The men discussed in this book range from wealthy merchants such as Thomas Beale, who before his bankruptcy and suicide in 1841 created a famous garden and aviary in Macao (pp. 44–45), to William Kerr, dispatched by the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew to collect plants in Canton, whose nine years of activity there were undermined by the practical difficulties of shipping materials back (much died in transit) and by his own social isolation and fall into drunkenness. A notable omission is the Shanghai oligarch Sir Thomas Hanbury (1832–1907), briefly mentioned in the text, whose achievement is probably the longest lasting of all the British China‐hand horticulturalists, but whose famous garden, La Mortola, was developed on the Italian Riviera. The limits to British interest in Chinese natural history—the ultimate blindness of some to its richness and potential—might also profitably be explored.

    In the years between the Macartney Embassy (1792–1794) and the fall of the Qing in 1911–1912, the body of foreign knowledge about Chinese natural history vastly expanded, and a significant amount of information was collated, translated, and produced, while important collections of Chinese plants were distributed across the world. In part one of the book, an extended survey of pre‐treaty‐era Canton focuses on the activities of Britons there and the restricted opportunities they faced in the sole trading enclave they had access to, while chapter two looks at the specific issue of natural history illustrations. The second part examines the treaty era down to 1911, and focuses in its three chapters on what Fan identifies as three key subjects: the “formation of an empire of scientific information” (p. 6) and its institutions and personalities in China, the connections between natural history scholarship and Sinology, and fieldwork practice in China. The analysis overall is well grounded in a wide range of literatures (attested to in some sixty‐one pages of notes for 160 pages of text), and there is much lively detail to support the overall thrust of the work. The chapter on Sinology includes, for example, a fine discussion of the developing body of knowledge on the Chinese alligator (pp. 115–18). If the understanding of the broader treaty port context is at times less than firm, and with it the understanding of class and status in the British world, Fan captures very well the social, personal, and informal worlds of British life in China, such as in the discussion of consular officer H. F. Hance, who corresponded with like‐minded scholars all over China and published over two hundred papers on the subject (pp. 68–72).

    A reader might be surprised at the lively and positive view of pre‐treaty Canton as a site of opportunities for scientific inquiry and production, although this has the makings of a useful corrective to the negative assumptions that are the legacy ultimately of the proponents of extraterritoriality. However, the picture presented here of the British Consular Service as an “enormous,” rational, intelligence‐gathering machine (p. 64) might have been tempered by consideration that it was only ever as good as the men who staffed it, their contacts, and their language capability. They were not the highest achieving of British civil servants, to put it mildly. China, ultimately, was really just not that important to British Empire. Fan is right to point out that, “The British Empire was not a coherent, smooth‐running whole” (p. 65), but it is always easy to slip into a mode of analysis in which it is exactly that: a rational, ordered whole, systematically developing tools and resources for domination. It is also not at all clear that it is possible to isolate “British” from the other European naturalists with whom—even on the evidence presented here—they networked extensively. The broader question of the utility of disentangling national histories in the particularly internationalized treaty port context merits further thought. Moreover, although much is made about the key role of Chinese participation in this enterprise, the detailed discussion of this issue is thin throughout.

    On the presentational front, while the prose has verve, the stylistically mannered tone jars, and the number of errors in references to texts with which this reviewer is familiar suggests a greater number among those with which he is not (Ostenhammel on p. 194, n. 8 should be Osterhammel; Joshua Vogel on p. 217, n. 11 should be Fogel; and the correct title of S. F. Wright's book, cited on p. 209, n. 33 is Hart and the Chinese Customs). Meanwhile, William J. P. Martin (p. 158) should be William A. P. Martin, and George Orwell's “Shooting an Elephant” is not a “story” (p. 142). Textual discussion of the illustrations is not cross‐referenced to the images themselves, which is an odd omission in what is otherwise a handsome and stimulating volume.

  • 地下城与美食:升级打怪做饭吃,perfect!

    作者:须风呀 发布时间:2021-01-12 10:41:35










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